Monday, February 09, 2009

Where has the logic gone?

Saw one of those horrendous mobile billboard trucks on the road today and was VERY surprised to see "We do it green" advertised on the back of the truck. What?!?! If you don't know what a mobile billboard company is, basically, they drive small trucks around with a big billboard stuck on the back, advertising something or another. It's easily one of the best examples of how our economy has completely lost it's mind, as this business model no doubt promises the potential for profit (or else it wouldn't exist), even though they make no sense whatsoever from an environmental, social, or any other perspective. Driving a billboard around to advertise so that other people driving around can go and buy some product that they don't need. This is EXACTLY how our economy should operate.

But, beyond this insanity, this company has the AUDACITY to talk about greening their business? I'm sorry, as much as I'm for eco-modernization, technological breakthroughs, CSR, and the like, SOME business models just SHOULD NOT EXIST. Green-washing on this scale is either complete self-delusion or pandering to current interests.

Check out what these guys have to say here: Do It Outdoors

Funny. Or sad. I can't tell.

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