Monday, March 30, 2009

Saving energy

In the process of doing my research for my thesis on green hotels, I ran across a link to California's "Flex Your Power" website. Although the name of the program is not new to me, the resources on this website are. I've not looked at it in years, and I must say, the information available really is helpful. Everyone should check this site out. (It's only for California though - there may be similar websites in your state or country, but you'll have to do some research. California has long been known as one of the pioneers in energy conservation programs.)

Of particular interest here is the tool to help customers locate local rebates, free energy saving upgrades (like showerheads and lightbulbs), and my personal favorite - free energy audits! I was really surprised to find that I could get someone from Southern California Edison to come to my house, do an energy audit, and help me figure out how to better save energy (and money.) For FREE. I think everyone should start taking advantage of this service.

If you've had an energy audit done on your house before, give us your experience!


  1. Ha! We had an energy audit done. I was very excited about it! Here's what it consisted of:
    1. Guy "energy auditor" came to our house. Lots of paper pushing was involved; he said we couldn't get an new fridge because ours was relatively new, but we would get seals around our windows and doors, new lightbulbs and showerheads, a new door, and fix a couple of broken windows. This took THE ENTIRE MORNING.
    2. Contractors came to do the work. They were really grouchy guys. They changed the lightbulbs and were about to leave. "What about our new door and fixing the windows and sealing the leaks?" I exclaimed. After all, we are spending our money on heat and AC going out the holey walls, not on light. Well, they made me some deal on the door, put weather stripping on the front door, but then wouldn't do anything else citing lack of time. Um, I do believe you are getting paid by the state to do this! But they still didn't do it. So basically, we have a few new lightbulbs and a better sealed door, but all our energy is still escaping though our crappy broken and non-sealed windows. This also took the WHOLE MORNING.
    Soo...two mornings home from work and little to show for it. I'm sure our energy/money savings are exactly zero.

  2. This is very disappointing to hear! Is there any course of action you can take to give feedback (I assume to PG&E..)? Perhaps some sort of customer satisfaction survey or form? It seems that if they are going to offer the service, they should at least make it as easy and trouble-free as possible. :(

    Does anyone else have a (hopefully) positive experience?
