Monday, May 02, 2011

For all the diver's out there...

If you love diving, if you love coral reefs, if you love sea life... you should stand up, take notice, and figure out what you can do to help. Listen to the NPR story on the plight of the world's coral reefs: World's Coral Reefs Facing Serious Threats.

But coral reefs are so much more important than most people realize. They are home to incredible amounts of biodiversity density, more than even the vaunted rain forests of the Amazon or Borneo. They support fisheries, marine mammals, crustacean populations - nearly all of sea life itself. They also grow absurdly slowly, are incredibly sensitive to changes in their environment, and are dangerously threatened now. Yes, they are actually living creatures, corals. The only reason we don't care more about them is because most of us never see them, and never see the real impact they have on all of our marine eco-systems (and it must be said, on billions of people around the world who live in coastal regions, consume seafood or marine products, or are somehow connected to either of the above - which is nearly everyone.)

Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean you can't do anything about it.

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