Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Earth Hour

Earth Hour is coming up again. For those of you who don't know, Earth Hour is one hour each year where people around the world band together, turn off all their electricity for one hour, and voice their solidarity for creating a more thoughtful global society that understands the impacts of their lifestyles. This year, it is 8:30pm (20:30 for those Europeans out there!) on March 28.

You can find more information at this website: http://www.earthhour.org This year they are hoping to get people in 1000 cities across the world to participate. I highly encourage everyone to do so.

Although the act of turning off all your electricity for 1 hour (unplug stuff!!!) admittedly doesn't in and of itself do much for the world, you'll be surprised at how it can affect you. Every facet of our lives today revolves around the convenient usage of energy. Without electricity, there's almost nothing we can do. Yet at the same time, without electricity, sitting in the darkness, you somehow reconnect with something much more primitive, somehow glimpsing how life must have felt 200 years ago. Or perhaps, how life feels today for people not privileged or lucky enough to have the luxuries of modern electricity that the rest of us enjoy.

Join in Earth Hour, spread the word, show support for a more aware society, and learn something about yourself while doing so. 8:30pm, March 28. Looking forward to NOT seeing you online.

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