Friday, March 27, 2009

Green Propaganda

No, this isn't a post about the name or origins of this site, this is a post to call out what really IS green propaganda. I recently found a post on USA Today about one of James Hansen's blog entries (famous NASA climatologist and outspoken climate change advocate). In it he advises: "Do not fall for the moguls' dirtiest trick – 'green' messages spewed to the public. That is propaganda, intended to leave the impression they are moving in the right direction." (blog entry here.)

I could not agree more. Staying in the US again for the first time in a long time, I am surprised at how "green" advertising has gotten. Not only are there tons of "green" ads in magazines, but "green" ads are making their way onto network television. This may not be a good thing however, as companies try to capitalize on growing green consciousness with products aimed at this market - products that may or may truly reflect more environmentally friendly practices or footprints.

My own personal "enemy number one" is ExxonMobil. They have embarked on a highly visible campaign with the tagline "Taking on the World's Toughest Energy Challenges." One of their commercials talks about how they are investing in technology that will let discover and tap into energy in ever-more-remote places. The commercial says nothing about conservation or the environmental impacts of continued high fossil fuel usage. Another more "green" commercial, touts how cars have become more efficient today and how Exxon is investing in making cars more efficient. This commercial (Europe) is particularly galling, especially given the fact that Exxon is PROUD to be investing virtually nothing in alternative energy or renewable energy while making record profits and lining their own pockets.

Send a message to Exxon that we won't stand for their green-washing ways, and boycott Exxon and Mobil gas stations (heck, boycott driving every once in a while also.) Take action and send Exxon emails asking them to prove their commercials to be true, to show us what percentage of their R&D is actually being invested in truly environmentally friendly technologies. This company has proven, time and time again, that they could care less about reducing the world's energy footprint and are more than happy to continue to turn fossil fuels into pure profit for themselves and their shareholders. 20 years on from the terrible Exxon Valdez spill, and Exxon is STILL one of the worst corporate environmental offenders. Shame.

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