Friday, January 01, 2010

Food Inc.

Just watched Robert Kenner's great investigative expose film on the food industry, "Food Inc." and it's enlightening, depressing, horrifying, and maddening. Certainly if you've ever wondered why those crazy hippie treehugging people insist on eating organic or growing their own chickens, this film will help you understand their motivations better. Much like An Inconvenient Truth, it's well produced and a game-changer, but at the same time, it's not going to be converting many agri-business enthusiasts. I'm sure lots of people will also say it's horribly one-sided. No doubt, but what do you expect when you can't get anyone on the other side to talk to you?

Definitely worth watching, and with significant contributions from food revolutionaries like Eric Schlosser, Michael Pollan, and Joel Salatin, you know you're getting good stuff.

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